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The Drop Zone


God is faithful to fulfill every promise He has made, but we must learn to persevere,

remain faithful, and trust God to provide in every season. The goal of this discussion

is to recognize the rain in our lives and run towards God’s provision.

There Is A Cloud Devotional

There Is A Cloud is the latest album from Elevation Worship. During the There Is A

Cloud series, encourage your eGroup members to participate with this devotional. It

can be found on the Elevation App and studies the songs Pastor will be be preaching

during There Is A Cloud. It explores the heartbeat behind the album and studies the

promises of God found throughout scripture. You can also find the devotional

on YouVersion that is 7 days.

Conversation Starters

1. What are three words you would use to describe your mother or a mother

figure in your life?

2. What did you do as a child that terrified your mother/parents?


• Have someone read 1 Kings 19:1-18.

• Ask someone in your eGroup to pray.


1. At the beginning of our passage in 1 Kings 19, Elijah runs away and drops in a

cave because he has had enough. If you could drop everything and leave for a

dream vacation, where would you go? What would you do?

2. Elijah had enough faith to stand against hundreds of false prophets, but he

was completely undone by the threat of one woman. What small (maybe

even silly) thing completely unravels you? (i.e. toddler screaming, burned

breakfast, bad drivers, etc.)


3. We often anticipate the disappointment of defeat, but we are blindsided

when blessings bring battles. Share an example of a time when you got what

you wanted, but not what you expected.

4. Disappointment is often the consequence of bad blueprints. We don’t get

what we expected because our expectations are faulty. Read the verse below

and answer the following question: As believers, what can we expect? (We

can expect both struggle and success. Persecution and provision.

Blessing and battles.)


5. Elijah collapsed in a cave under the weight of his responsibility as God’s

prophet. Sometimes what used to feel like a privilege grows heavy as we run.

What roles are responsibilities have you been called to? Which ones are


6. Elijah didn’t just drop because he’d had enough, he dropped because he felt

like he wasn’t enough. But even when he ran away because he didn’t know

what else to do, God provided for Elijah. How has God turned your struggle

into a drop zone? How has he provided for you in the middle of your



7. Jezebel hated God’s people and Elijah probably expected her opposition.

What opposition can you expect as you try to live for God? (i.e. in your

marriage, at your job, as a parent, etc.)

8. The opposition that unraveled Elijah was not the opposition he expected, but

the opposition from within his own spirit. Often opposition is harder when it

is unexpected and internal. Share a time when you felt at odds with yourself.

What did you do?


9. God responds with love to Elijah’s collapse. He uses the depth of Elijah’s

disappointment, the weight of his responsibility, and the strength of the

opposition to bring Elijah back into position. God doesn’t just provide for

Elijah in the drop zone, God calls him closer. How does God want to use the

discouragement in your life to bring you closer?

10. Positioning yourself in power with God doesn’t require a change in feelings,

just a change in focus. Divine position is a shift in perspective. Choose one

word to focus on this week. Write it down. How can this word shape your

perspective and fix your position this week?

Closing Activity

Play the song “He Is Lord” and reflect on the following questions.

What responsibilities has God blessed me with and how has He provided

everything I need to fulfill that responsibility?

What discouragement and opposition does God want to help me overcome


How can I stay in position throughout the week?

Closing Prayer

Dear Lord, Thank You for providing in the midst of our struggles. Give us the

courage and humility to come to You honestly in our weakness. Draw us closer to

You when we feel discouraged, and give us the divine power of our position as your

children. In Jesus’ name, amen.