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Coming Out of the Drought


God is faithful to fulfill every promise He has made, but we must learn to persevere,

remain faithful, and trust God to provide in every season. The goal of this discussion

is to recognize the rain in our lives and run towards God’s provision.

There Is A Cloud Devotional

There Is A Cloud is the latest album from Elevation Worship. During the There Is A

Cloud series, encourage your eGroup members to participate with this devotional. It

can be found on the Elevation App and studies the songs Pastor will be be preaching

during There Is A Cloud. It explores the heartbeat behind the album and studies the

promises of God found throughout scripture. You can also find the devotional

on YouVersion that is 7 days.

Conversation Starters

1. Pastor Steven mentioned that Holly wanted to be on the show Survivor. If

you had to star in a reality TV show, which show would you choose?

2. In the spirit of Survivor, share one thing you have “survived.”


• Have someone read 1 Kings 18:41-46.

• Ask someone in your eGroup to pray.


1. Pastor Steven preached on three stages that will keep you in a dry

season: invisibility, insignificance, or intimidation. Which of the three stages

did you most relate to?

2. When Elijah sent his servant to look for rain, his servant saw nothing. Some

seasons of survival are marked by invisibility. God’s work is not always

visible from the start. Have you ever struggled to see or feel God’s presence

in a difficult season? Share one example with the group.

3. Everything God wants to do in your life starts small, so small you may not see

it. What has God given you that you tend to underestimate or overlook?

Where do you struggle to feel that you have what it takes?

4. Elijah told King Ahab that heavy rain was coming, but after seven trips, all his

servant could see was one small cloud. Our faith dies when the enemy

convinces us to believe that the work of God is insignificant. Have you ever

given up on a task, a dream, or a calling because you thought it was


5. Faith is moving forward before it feels good. What steps of faith has God

called you to take in a season of drought?

6. Faith often encounters resistance, just like the intimidation Elijah

encountered from Queen Jezebel in 1 Kings 18. What kind of resistance or

intimidation are you facing right now?

7. In 1 Kings 18, when God finally sent the rain, Elijah took off running. Elijah

expected God’s blessing to eliminate the resistance he was facing, but it

didn’t. Have you ever been blindsided by resistance in the middle of a


8. Sometimes we are better at living in battles than living in blessing because –

like the nation of Israel — we are dry on the inside. What causes you to be

spiritually dry? How can you run to the rain this week? What disciplines can

you put in place to keep your heart out of the drought?

9. What rain are you experiencing in your life right now? Take time to share

and celebrate God’s provision together.

Closing Activity

Play the song “There Is A Cloud” and reflect on the following questions.

• What is one way I am waiting for the rain? (What blessings am I praying for?)

• What is one way I am running from the rain? (What provision or calling am I

avoiding because it is invisible, seems insignificant, or intimidates me?)

• What is one way I can run toward the rain? (How can I pursue God’s blessing and

purpose this week?)

Closing Prayer

Dear God, we believe You are at work, even when we can’t see what You are doing

or the work feels insignificant. Give us the faith to run after Your blessing and

purpose. Help us overcome resistance and remain faithful in the face of intimidation.

We love You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.