Effective Method Of Teaching Children The Bible

When trying to teach your children about the Bible, you need to choose a method that is fitting and comfortable to your child. If your son or daughter is not open to your method of teaching, or if your method of teaching is not fitting to your child’s personality, then chances are, they will not absorb the knowledge that you are trying to teach them. In this article, I will explain a technique that may be helpful to you, if your child enjoys stories.

Children love storybooks, and they usually remember the stories that are read to them over time. When my children were growing up, I used to read storybooks to them all the time, and they loved them. The more and more I read to them, they began to memorize the stories, and understand what was going on in the plot. I am certain that the reason that they remembered the stories was that they enjoyed them. It is hard to keep a child’s attention, unless they are interested in what you are doing, and the same holds true when you are trying to teach them. Thus, because my children enjoyed storybooks, when I read them bible storybooks, they began to remember the various stories in the bible. Perhaps that is why Jesus taught his lessons by using parables.

Additionally, story books help children learn because they are able to see a visual of what is being read to them. This is important because some children are able to mentally attach a set of images to the story, or, to go even further, to each page. This helps them remember the story, and ultimately what the story is about. Have you ever noticed how children know when you put on their favorite TV show? Firstly, it is because they appeal to the visual aspect of the cartoon, or the characters, etc, and secondly it is because they remember what the show looks like. Perhaps both of those points are related. Visuals are a powerful technique to teaching children, and you can apply this method when trying to teach them about the bible.

One last important note is that it takes time and repetition for them to remember. They are still developing, and a million other things get their attention throughout the day, and so there may be a chance that they may forget the next day. By going through it daily, they will begin to memorize and learn what you are teaching them. Make it fun, tailor your teaching method to your child’s personality, and you will have their attention.